The Competition was initiated by Saratov Arena Multimedia Center of Saratov State Technical University (Russia) in 2002. This year only 96 projects from Russian Federation were registrated for the competition.
More than 400 applications from Russia and CIS. The Competition received the official support from the Governor of Saratov Region.
900 applications from 8 countries. The competition was supported by Aptech World-Wide (India) and Toon Boom Techn. (Canada). This year official logo of the competition and hymn were developed and got official approvement.
915 applications from 10 countries. The Digital Wind International Competition regional tours were held in Balakovo and Novosibirsk. Egor Tjumentsev, the youngest participant, was only 4 years old.
This year the master-classes were given by acknowledged experts in computer graphics, web-programming, animation 2 days before the Award ceremony.
Digital Wind received the official support of Hewlett-Packard. It was also recognized as an Official Event by Russian Ministry of Education.
More than 1000 projects from 15 countries. More than 900 students attended Master-classes of the IT-professionals. Competition was supported by HP, Arena Multimedia, Toon Boom Techn.
More than 1200 projects from 22 countries. This year the competition was first supported by the Softline Company (Russia, Moscow). The Round-Table “Digital Wind: creativity or professionalism?” was initiated by the competition experts. More than 1100 students attended Master-classes of the IT-professionals. Competition was supported by HP, Arena Multimedia.
More than 1500 projects from 32 countries. A new nomination. “Development of the Computer Games”, was introduced into the competition and was supervised by the Softline group of companies. The competition was supported by HP, Arena Multimedia. More than 1300 students took part in Master-Classes of IT-professionals.
On April, 24th, 2009 the annual Award Ceremony of the Open International Competition of Student Computer Projects was held at Saratov State Technical University. The organizers of this event mention an increasing level of professionalism and interest in the competition.
The open International Competition of Computer Projects among Kids, Youth and Students “Digital Wind” is an annual event, traditionally held by Saratov State Technical University under the aegis of Federal Agency on Education of Russian Federation, co-organized be Softline group of companies and supported by Aptech Ltd. (India).
The “Digital Wind” competition was held for the eighth time this year. The organizational committee registered 2610 projects from 2422 participants from 15 countries from all over the world (Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Latvia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belorussia, Moldova, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Poland, Germany, and Australia). The winners were nominated in three different age groups: under twelve, thirteen to seventeen years, eighteen to twenty one years. However, the youngest participant was only 4 years old.
The main objective of the “Digital Wind” competition is to attract interest towards IT, boost creativity among young people, give the participants a chance to acquire experience and knowledge of modern software. Within the competition there were held master-classes of experts in programming, web technologies, computer graphics and Animation. More than 1000 students took part in these master-classes.
“In the modern age of IT exposure it is necessary to not only learn the software, but also to be competitive. “Digital Wind” gives a great chance for young generation to show not only their knowledge and skills, but their competitiveness as well”, said Owen Kemp, Vice-president of Hewlett-Packard, General Manager of HP Russia.
“We are amazed with the quality of the projects presented at the competition,” said Oleg Dronov, Head of the Game Department of the “Softline” group. “It is a pleasure for us to see that the projects of became more professional and creative, it really makes us confident in the rising IT-generation. That’s why we have decided to present not only 8 main awards, but plenty of special prizes as well – for the most original idea, for creativity, for professionalism, for outstanding design”.
“Digital Wind” has become a real holiday for all IT fans. This competition gives participants an opportunity to show their talents and to discuss with their peers the peculiarities of using IT”, said Dr. Olga Dolinina, the chairman of the Steering Commission of the competition.
The special guests of the ceremony - among who were Prof. Alexander Sytnik, First vice-rector of SSTU, Mr. Owen Kemp, Vice-president of Hewlett-Packard, General Manager of HP Russia, Mr. Oleg Dronov, Head of the Game Department of the “Softline” group, Patrik C. Desai, Deputy Manager Business Development International of Aptech Ltd. and other well-known IT-specialists sent their greeting speeches to all participants and wished them success.